"Blazing Clickers" Week


Session 1

Blazing Clickers Part 1 - Steve Martin

Steve Martin will explain the different accounts of “bridging” and show examples of how pairing a well-timed bridge with a well-established back-up reinforcer creates clear communication and successful training outcomes. He will also show some of the common mistakes trainers make when not pairing the event marker with a well-established back-up reinforcer, what we refer to as “Blazing Clickers.”

Session 2

Blazing Clickers Part 2 - Dr. Susan Friedman

Dr. Susan Friedman will discuss five common misconceptions that may lead trainers to use a “blazing clicker” strategy and considers what available science information will help us determine best practice.

Session 3

NEI TEC in Conversation: Dr. Susan G. Friedman, Steve Martin, and Tim Sullivan

Dr. Friedman and Steve Martin will be joined by expert trainer, Tim Sullivan to discuss the Blazing Clicker syndrome across the training community and just about anything you want to talk about.