Free Flight Week - Part 1


Session 1

“Ground School: Your Pre-Flight Checklist” – Chris Jenkins (Chief Operating Officer, Natural Encounters, Inc.)

With a solid foundation of safety and bird welfare, we will explore the many prerequisites that need to be in place before ever flying a bird free in an outdoor environment. Beginning with the individual bird itself and progressing through antecedent conditions and staff skills, this one-hour presentation will reveal important procedures that many people may never consider.

Session 2

“In-Flight Protocols for your Captain and Crew” – Steve Martin (President, Natural Encounters, Inc.)

While there are many important factors that need to be taken into account in order to properly prepare a bird for free-flight, what happens once the bird is outside and up in the air? This presentation will look into the facets of a successful free-fight program as it relates to the skills, sensitivities, and behaviors needed of the human caretakers responsible for their birds’ health, safety, and welfare. 

Session 3

NEI TEC in Conversation – Steve Martin, Chris Jenkins, Amy Fennell (Training Supervisor, Natural Encounters, Inc.), and Ari Bailey (Show Manager, Natural Encounters, Inc.)

Join us as NEI TEC faculty members share and discuss their thoughts on the topics presented in the previous sessions. The panelists answer questions presented to them by the attendees.