
Sessions 1 & 2

Dr Susan Friedman, PhD (Behavior+Works) – “Control: The Other Primary Reinforcer” – Part 1 & 2
Behavior analysis (BA) is the study of the processes by which animals learn, i.e. change their behavior as a result of interacting with the environment. From a behavior analysis perspective, the ability to learn is an evolved tool, part of our biological endowment. Simply, it is our nature to behave for effect – to be effective. Learning and welfare are compromised to the extent that effective behavior is blocked. We can enhance learning and welfare by increasing animals’ control over their valued outcomes. The focus of this talk is an overview of the science-based principles and practices relevant to improving learners’ effectiveness by providing more control, safely and practically.

Session 3

Discussion Panel – Dr. Susan Friedman, Steve Martin(President/CEO, NEI), Marty MacPhee (Animal Behavior and Guest Experience Consultant)
We wrap up Control Week with this expert panel who chat and answer attendee-submitted control related training challenges and questions.